
Casters Series Box Set … and a giveaway for reviewers


It’s been a while since we’ve posted, clearly, since Enter the Night has been up for some time, and the third book in the series, Embrace the Night, is also available. In fact, we’ve just published a 3-book Casters Series box set containing those first three books (Comes the Night, Enter the Night and Embrace the Night). The fourth and final book, Forever the Night, will be available later this summer.

Isn’t our box set pretty? Here’s the cover in 3D:



And here’s the 2D version which some vendors require (Apple iBooks):


I like them both, but I’m sort of partial to the flat look cover. What about you?

But to the purpose of this post. We are planning to reduce the price of the box set and buy advertising in some of the newsletters that will help us reach more readers. But before we can do that, we need to rack up some reviews so that folks will know this is a good product when we go knocking on their doors to buy advertising space. Which is where you come in. If you’ve already read the series, we would love it if you could review the box set on As an incentive, if you review it and send me a link to the review, I will add your name to a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. The odds of winning this giveaway are very good!