by Norah Wilson (the Wilson in Wilson Doherty)
This year, for the first time in a long while, I took in Fredericton’s Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival, which was celebrating its 20th year. And OMG, the music was great! But beyond that, it was wonderful to wander around downtown Fredericton and take in all that energy. I think they were the most polite, happiest crowd I’ve ever encountered at a music festival.
My favorite performer:
John Hiatt. Okay, not really a huge blues man, but that's what I love about this festival. A little bit of blues'll do. He played solo, but he still rocked the big blues tent. Did a lot of the old favorites, but also introed some new music. Note to self: Go get it.
My newest crush:
Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Man, that guy almost burned the tent down with his scorching guitar work! And OMG, he’s sooooo cute! Definitely going to add some KWS Band to my music library. He was a last minute replacement for Johnny Lang, who had to cancel. Though I was initially disappointed when I learned about the substitution, I am now totally grateful I got to see these guys.
Best pairing:
Gordie Johnson’s band Big Sugar reunited for the Harvest show, and they were joined by east-coast rockers The Trews. Can you say super-session? They tore it up! Then The Trews stayed and played a killer afterburner show.
Blues is not necessarily my thing -- I'd trade Derek Trucks for Conor Oberst -- but you have to bow down before the greats, no matter what the genre.

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