

by Heather the Jane.

Psychic medium John Holland is, in my opinion, an extraordinary individual. You know that question “Who would like to meet, living or dead, if you could meet one person?” My answer – in a heartbeat – is this guy. And though I won't make it to one of his sessions/events this year, I am oh-so-planning on a 2011 road trip!

I've been reading quite a bit of Holland's writing lately. And, surprisingly to me, I've been really intrigued with 'clairaudience', which I really didn't understand before reading Holland's work. I had thought clairaudience was  exclusively hearing 'voices', so to speak. Actual words of wisdom or prophecy. But there are different ways clairaudience can manifest, including songs that play in your head!

So ... the other day when Norah flipped me her blog on 'ear worms', I had to smile. Sure, I've had 'em. (Mama Mia! Oh crap, here I go again....)  But there are so many times I get a tune in my head that I've not heard in ages. Or even thought about in years. It never happens to me when I'm writing – I'm way too into the world on the page. But when I'm working away at other things, I just suddenly realize that there is a line or two of lyrics playing in the back of my mind. And it is often a song with lyrics quite telling for me in that day. Or just uplifting when I need a lift up. For example. The Tide is High, by Blondie. On 'bummer' days, I cannot tell you how many times I've realized this old song in my head.

So ... got ear worms?  Or clairaudience?

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