

by Heather the Jane

A few weeks ago, I blogged that I was having success with the dream materials (stones and dream pillow) I purchased. Thought it was time to give a bit of an update.

Are my dreams are stronger/more vivid since incorporating these aids into my night-time? Yes.  But not every night is brilliantly vivid. Some mornings I wake to notes that are lacking. Other times I wake up to pages of scribbles. I think, in great part, note-lacking nights may be due to the fact that I just have some nights where I roll over from dream waking and don't scribble my notes. (Geez, you would not believe how guilty I feel to write that!) But I am definitely a person who needs her sleep. Seriously, I'm known for it with family/friends ... Heather didn't sleep? Just leave her alone. The voice recording device I purchased didn't work out. Oh, it functioned fine, but in the long run, jotting down shorthand notes seems to work better for me.


But definitely, more nights are vividly dream filled than before I started with these treasures.  And when I have a truly stellar night ... it is fan-freaken-tastic.

What have I learned about my personal dream experiences? I tend to modify architecture as I dream. Seriously! If I dream about my house, I often add a room. Or if I dream about the home or village I grew up in, often I'm creating (love that word!) great or minor differences. If I dream of my high school, often I add a wing and find myself there – but get this! I add pretty much the same wing every time. Find myself on the same staircase or looking for the same bathroom. Cool or what! 

And I dream of people passed on a fair amount (more than I would have realized had I not been taking notes). One night I dreamed of talking to three people (none of them close to me, but all of them known) who've passed on. And the very next night, I dreamed of an elderly woman I knew,  who died a couple years back. Strange. Also, there are a couple people (who shall remain nameless!) that I dream about frequently. Strange part: they are not family/close friends, but people I don't know very well, yet these two show up in my dreams very, very often. 

Have I had any dreams recent that have been 'deeper', that is, providing me personal insight? Yes. Ta-da, that's the short and sweet and honest answer there. TMI – for the blog!

And the best thing? My 'twilight' times ROCK! Those almost-asleep visions are fan-freaken-tastic still! And at least on a couple occasions over the last few weeks, I've been in that almost-asleep state and gotten insight into Norah's and my current project. Good insight; she agreed! That's amazing to me! That I can go to bed, tuck under the covers, and my mind just twists around and turns onto this level.

Yep, let me say it again, I love dreaming.

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