By Norah Wilson (the Wilson in Wilson Doherty)
Okay, when this show first came out, I took one look at it and said, “Nope.” It’s not that I don’t like TV shows aimed at teens; I gobble them up. But football? Total turn off. And I tend to prefer urban-set programs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, even The OC in the early days). One night as I worked at my computer and the TV played in the other room, I recognized Conor Oberst’s voice (Brighteyes) and got up to go see. It was the end of an episode of Friday Night Lights (FNL), and the song was “Devil Town”. I remember thinking if they played that kind of music, the show couldn’t be all bad. But I still didn’t go out of my way to watch it. Until about 10 days ago. Since then, I’ve burned my way through Season 1 and have dived into Season 2.
What great writing! Why did no one tell me??? Every episode has a killer hook at the end that has me frantically loading the next episode. I don’t want to stop for anything! Frankly, it’s becoming a problem getting my writing done.
My favorite character, of course, has to be bad boy Tim Riggins (played by Taylor Kitsch).
It’s not as though I haven’t seen Taylor’s face plastered all over the Interwebs these past years, but until I saw him as the troubled Riggins, he was just another pretty face. And right behind him is the Landry Clarke character (played by Jesse Plemons). Not nearly as pretty a face, but this guy won my heart right away. He’s adorkable.
Actually, now that I write this, I realize those two diametrically opposed archetypes – the bad boy and the geek – tend to work very well for me in any story.
So ... anyone out there share my obsession with FNL? Pipe up and let me know! And be sure to tell me who your fav characters are.

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