“Hey, hot stuff, come here often? Tell me all about yourself and that really great hockey card collection; I'm really interested,” I said, trying to bat my eyelashes.
Er, no that's not what I mean by charming. (Okay, in retrospect, that was in no way ... under any circumstances ... charming, but well, I'm just that rusty.)
Let me tell you a TRUE tale. When I was nineteen, I had three warts on my left hand. Two on my little finger, one on my ring finger. And I tried everything to get rid of them – over the counter products, freezing treatments at the doctor's office. Nothing worked. Well, almost nothing. I was talking to my boss at the time, and he was telling me that his daughter had had warts on her hands but they were gone now.
“How?” I asked.
“I charmed them.” And then with every confidence, he touched each wart on my hand. “There,” he said. “They'll go away.”
Ha Ha Ha! (We didn't have LOL then.) But the guy wasn't phased at my lack of belief. If I recall correctly, he simply shrugged, and walked away with a 'you'll see' look on his face.
Right. Exactly, three days later (Yes, there it is again, my beloved three!) my hand got itchy. I mean really itchy. Like I could not sleep all night, this-is-driving-me-crazy, itchy! But guess what? Within a few days after that, all three warts had completely disappeared. And they have never returned.
Okay, fine, maybe the wart-causing virus simply ran its course? That's pretty damn coincidental timing, don't you think? Yeah, me too. Too easy.
Maybe it was just a case of mind over matter? Maybe on some level I believed enough that my body did rid itself of the virus just then? Possibly. But if this is the case, that still does not negate that the charm worked. That the healing worked, even if it worked on a subconscious level within me.
Or maybe my boss had some weird ability? Learned? Acquired? Gifted? I don't know. Whatever ... however ... the warts disappeared. That's a fact.
I'd heard of this kind of charming ability before. My dad had mentioned it over the years. He was born in 1913 (Stop doing the math! I was his last child, and he was a grandfather by the time I came along!) and of course this was in a time when a trip to the doctor wasn't as easy or routine for these types of things as it is today. So charming wasn't at all unheard of. And mention of it probably didn't get the strange looks it does today. More superstitious people back then? Sure. But too, maybe there was just more acceptance of things we don't fully understand. Before these kinds of things were snicker-snorted away.
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