

It happened in Fredericton.

Okay it happened lots of times and in lots of places, but I'll start with this one time in Fredericton.

In my high school years, I was out at an old drive-in theatre with a few friends. I was coming back from the concession stand and realized (damn it!) I was lost. My sense of direction is non-existant – I'll be upfront about that. It was dark of course (drive-ins in broad day light just don't work) and I had no idea how I'd find my friend's car amonst the rows and rows packed with vehicles. Thank goodness, I heard someone giggling and calling my name, and I started following that voice. But that voice stopped the very moment I saw my friend's black car. But the strange part? When I got back into the car and said to the girls “thank goodness you called for me”, not one of them had. They really, really had no idea I was 'lost' out there. So ... who had called me? Whose voice was it that directed me exactly to the car I sought, and stopped calling me forward the exact moment I saw it? The exact moment I was safe?

It happened in Ottawa.

I was getting out of a taxi at the airport, bound for New Brunswick and a trip back to see my family. Of course I had bags in hand (too many no doubt) and manouvering out of the back seat of a cab wasn't the easiest thing in the world. But just as I was about to close the door, I got a niggling feeling – look behind you. I did. And there on the seat were my most-special pair of earrings. They'd fallen out of my purse.

There have been times when my ears have physically perked when the phone rang and the caller was someone dear to me whom I'd not heard from in ages. I've had dreams that have warned and a couple that have comforted. I've walked into stores knowing – absolutely knowing – when a certain someone was going to be there. And even before I've clicked open the 'inbox', I've felt that bone-deep chill when a life-changing email was there to pop up on the screen.

And I suppose I could dismiss these things. Pass them off as lucky, coincidence, or my just imagination. But guess what, I don't want to dismiss these things. I don't want to trivilize them. Oh, and guess what else ... unapologetically, I'm just not going to.

I am going to think about them, guiltlessly enjoy them. Heck, I'm going to curl right up in the things niggle and nudge!  And I'm going to learn more about them. I'm going to write about these things (and more!) in this grimoire blog, which I sincerely hope you enjoy. I delight in the strength from the spiritual, the warmth of Reiki, reading the psychical science and research that's out there, the blessing of a prophetic dream, the nudge of intuition. I'm a nut for old superstitions, crazy about ghost stories, and oh oh oh, don't get me started on psychic readings and angels and the energy I get from candles, colors, stones and my symbols!

That'll come later – stay tuned! And I hope you do.

Heather the Jane.
(Heather Doherty)


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