INTUITION – Do you believe?
I can’t say I’ve had too many woo-woo experiences. Not because I’m particularly sceptical, but rather, I think, because I’m not especially sensitive. But what I have come to appreciate is my intuition.
I firmly believe we all have intuition, a way of just totally knowing something without the usual see/hear/touch inputs. I’ve learned to trust mine. If the thought enters my head that I shouldn’t take my usual route to a destination, I roll with it. The first time I had that feeling, I shook it off, because, hey, there’s a reason my usual route is my usual route – it’s the quickest and most direct. But the one time I ignored this feeling, I got sideswiped by a guy in a Jeep trying to make a sudden lane change. After that, I began heeding those feelings, and at least once, I know I’ve managed to miss trouble.
The very first time I had a strong intuition about something unrelated to traffic, I was 20-something years old, working in a law office. A totally gorgeous lawyer I’d never met before came to our office one day to meet with one of our senior lawyers. A lawyer meeting with another lawyer? Nothing unusual about that, right? But I immediately turned to Eloise, the receptionist, and said, “That guy is going to come to work here. Mark my words.” And he did!
I wish I could say my intuition has led me to make amazing investments or pick the winning numbers, but sadly, I cannot. But so far, it’s kept me safe in traffic, and for that I’m very grateful!
Okay, it’s your turn! Tell us your most amazing stories about where following your intuition – or failing to follow it – has led you.
Norah Wilson
(the Wilson in Wilson Doherty)
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