by Heather the Jane
TADA! YouTube is six this month. The first time I clicked in to watch some videos, it was just my son, Conor, and me and at home. It was close to Christmas, we hadn't a lot to do, but we had an absolute blast viewing Christmas songs together. Oh, oh, oh you've never experienced Jingle Bell Rock till you've seen/heard the Billy Idol version. :-) And watched it with my happy Conor-the-kins!
Yes, there is a lot of crap on YouTube. It is the Internet, and unfortunately not only that which is pure and good will be on it. There is some hurtful, embarrasing stuff that finds its way there. But I'm hoping the good will keep outweighing the mean-spirited and ... not so funny. Everywhere in the world.
Anyway, look how YouTube has launched so many success stories. Got Bieber Fever? Er, no, I don't personally, but well, I'm still sighing over the Old Spice Guy. Then there was the guy who wanted us to leave Brittney alone? Remember him? And oh wow, some of the political ads are priceless (or tasteless). Oh, and need a laugh? I cannot count the nights when the writing's done, I'm in relax mode, and then ROFLMAO over bloopers, skits, Superbowl ads, and more.
So, in honour of YouTube's big 6th B-Day, here is one of my all-time favs. It's from a show that used to be well-enjoyed here, Whose Line Is it Anyway? I laugh till it hurts on this one.

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